Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's been a while

It's been a while since I posted anything here. Lately, there is not much action for me. I've been busy with work and tried to play as a corite. I think it's likely to have more than just one account for a player like you and me.

We all know that playing RF with the same character can be tiresome. My corite is level 35 now and almost level 36. It's actually sad to see while leveling, I see other corites bickering and fighting off at each other as I read the map chat. Reminds me how I love the Bellato community so much.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

log: 07-21-07

The Bellato Archon (wafu talaga ni Ciph.)
My love for the guild, is that the people in here are friendly and yet they know when to say 'no'. As the guild's saying goes "One pack. One blood. One Power." We laugh at the same things, we are open to some ideas and if one can't understand things, we explain it to them. I learned so much in this guild. Not just by being a fighter and a support character but my own 'character'; My own being and self-esteem. I learned things the hard way and acknowledging my emotions or at least keep it toned down.

Lately, things had gone "shaky" because of some issue that prompted itself to the guild. We could not believe what happened and for what I know and believe that Lampaso could never say such a thing. After that incident, the 'victim' is starting to be annoyingly out of place just to get what she wants.

This, my friend, is turning into an exploit and I will not tolerate this kind of talk. Then again, the founders are all aware and already said things about it. Honestly? That is one reason why I don't talk much outside the guild. Hard to get along with and people assume too much.

Anyway, none of that now. Another reason why I love my guild is that we try as much as we can to include in our daily busy life (namely: PL) to flush the raiders. Even how many they are. I was at the Anacaade Settlement and looking out for raiders when someone popped next to me.

RF Senior Vanguard Puppeteer
The conversation was short and sweet. I asked Puppeteer why was he in Anacaade and gave the question back at me. I was actually glad to hear what Puppeteer said that time but unfortunately, I cannot just let myself stay in one place for too long. That guild had to rush to flush more raiders and give back what they deserve.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thank you, Level Up!

I'd like to thank the RF Staff for letting me take the '1st runner up' seat on the RF Blog Contest. And I congratulate the others who also won the first week's contest. I hope others will also join the contest.

I got my prize now. Thank you, again.
More power to RF Online Philippines.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Log: 07-17-07

Thirty minutes before the war started, we were all at the BCC. Anticipating a good fight, as each one of the guild gather around. Aedian called out to our guild mates to join the war since our beloved archon is Cipheron, I was excited to be in his party.

The war was very exciting again as Cipheron gave out the command. The tactics? It was brilliant to say the least and for lacking of a better term. I was thrilled and even if I should have already be sleeping at that time, it was as if my adrenaline does not want to be turned off.

I loved the party set up. Three soul chandra under his command. If one died, one of us will recall. Khengs never left Cipheron's side while Milarka and I were the back up support.

I am actually grateful to Aedian for sacrificing himself just to let me survive from the Corites' retaliation. I almost got pinned by them and luckily I was not too occupied and no one had the chance to cast entangle onto me. Northlight, one of the best scouts I know, gave us quick news on the enemies movement and we had enough time to counter those attacks.

After an hour, we won and Cipheron was the CB. Kheng and I came running behind Cipheron trying to keep him alive. The Accretians caught Kheng and I stopped to support him letting Cipheron get away. Luckily, Milarka ran out first to recall Cipheron to deliver the chip. We finally delivered the chip and that ends the war.

Within the core, I had sometime to have a talk with the other soldiers and heard that there were two Brown MAUs fighting at the CCC. When I heard about it, I was thrilled and gave much respect to them. Kudos to those two. And I hope I would hear from them soon. I'd be glad to help them in any way except for money and item. haha. Tell me who you are and if I'm in a good mood while leveling I might ask you to join me. Although, I do hope that no poser would attempt to claim the rumor, or they will be damned by me.

Five minutes later at the core, Ays made attempts to enter and have kick out of HSK.

He tried to enter the core four times before I left. I can say, he's quite fun.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Thanks to pinka for the screenshot.

I do believe that this is the second time that Cipheron became the Archon of The Bellato Federation. I can't remember exactly when he became Archon first but it was just a week or two.

Now, he's the Archon once again! Hurray for me and for the notion that I will not comment on you-know-who. Honestly, as a player, I want to try to lead one of these days BUT for the mere fact that I'm a soul chandra, I cannot give commands while keeping my party alive.

Anyway, congrats to Cipheron, guild master of the Clan Rogue Wolf.

Monday, July 9, 2007

War and Alliances

Every 9pm CW schedule is a free-for-all war. Last night's war was some what exciting. It was JeanLuc's command that made a lot of soldiers to participate. I was actually thrilled that most of them did not back out or ported out when we were being pushed. It may not be as much as I have seen from the old days, but it was fun as hell and I even got a kill. This was the most exciting time because it's a "full house" in the guild that night.

The war lasted for about forty five minutes or less, I wasn't paying attention to the time because I was having fun already. Trying to keep my party alive (myself included), I fear that my computer will fail me one of these days. I'm abusing it too much. Every weekend, I would not turn off my computer and leave my character standing somewhere in HQ or in Solus while I am asleep.

After the war, we went on a raid at 213. There was Pinka, Iroqouis, Krallis, Aedian, Pepot, Me and Xef. It was funny because my boyfriend (Krallis) kept reminding me just to debuff support. I often forget that I'm the only Soul Chandra now in the guild that is active.

While running around 213, we bumped onto Ays (the Acretian archon) and we had a picture taking and our raid turned into some thing like anti-raid against corites who were around the area. It was all good.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Empire Accretia

the RF Team will be dishing out 2x PT and 2x Mine from July 10 (Tuesday-After weekly maintenance) up to July 17(Tuesday-start of weekly maintenance)

Now do you want more?

If the "Empire Accretia" song by Razorback hits number 1 by Saturday (July 7, 2007) at NU107's daily count down. Then will will double the mods and add more:

We will dish out 4x PT, 4x Mine, and 4x DROP Mods for the whole week (July 10-17)

We will also add 2x XP from 4pm-8pm and 12am-4am

To Vote:

* They can also Phone in their requests via this number: 636-0099
* Stairway to Seven (Daily Countdown) happens at 5-6pm.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Log: 0500 2007.07.02

Ever since my schedule from work changed, I can only spend twenty minutes maximum at the five (5) A.M. chip war. I thought this was going to be a quick one but lately the corites have been targeting us at the BCC or the ACC. I can say it was fun even though we are just a few. We could still fight.

Saying my goodbye to love and my guild, is always brief but sweet.